Dibutuhkam segera :
1. Reception/Kasir Spa
2. Therapist Spa HotelDengan kriteria sbb :
1. wanita usia 18-25th, berpenampilan menarik, sopan, ramah, jujur
2. min. lulusan SMK/sederajat (khusus reception spa)
3. berpengalaman di bidangnya min 1th (bagi therapist yg belum berpengalaman bersedia di training)
4. Bersedia di tempatkan di spa hotel (khusus therapist) area jogya dan jambi
Hanya utk serius pelamar, bagi yg berminat silahkan datang langsung bawa CV + lamaran lengkap (office hour 09.00 - 15.00)
UP. Jovidia (0819 2564 299)
Kusuma Spa
Abadi Hotel Jogya
Jl. Pasar kembang No. 49, Jogya
Search Result
In "The Reception", Jeanette(Pamela Stewart) and Martin(Wayne Lamont Sims) live on 300 acres in upstate New York but it's not really what you think.,Ready to start planning your wedding reception? We have thousands of wedding reception ideas and inspirational photos to pull together a party no guest will forget.,A welcome, greeting, or acceptance: a friendly reception. A social function, especially one intended to provide a welcome or greeting: a wedding reception.,Synonyms for reception at Thesaurus.com with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and definitions. Dictionary and Word of the Day.,Noun . reception (countable and uncountable, plural receptions) The act of receiving. (uncountable, electronics) The act or ability to receive radio or ,Full Definition of RECEPTION 1 : the act or action or an instance of receiving : as a : receipt b : admission < reception ,re·cep·tion (r-s p sh n) n. 1. a. The act or process of receiving or of being received. b. Football The act or an instance of catching a forward pass.,A wedding reception is a party held after the completion of a marriage ceremony. It is held usually as hospitality for those who have attended the wedding, hence the ,Reception is a noun form of receiving, or to receive something, such as information, art, experience, or people. It is often used in the following contexts:,reception (rspn) n: 1. the act of receiving or state of being received: 2. the manner in which something, such as a guest or a new idea, is received: a
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