Polri - Kepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia or the Indonesian National Police is police institution in Indonesia which is responsible directly under the President of Indonesia. Polri was established in 1 July 1946 by the Government of Indonesia and carry out policing duties in all parts of Indonesia. Polri's main tasks are to maintain law and order, enforcing the law, providing protection, shelter and services to the public. Polri headquartered is based in Jakarta and situated in Jl Trunojoyo No 3 Jakarta Selatan. As at December 2011, Kepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia supported by 387,470 active personnels. Polri is lead by a Chief of the Indonesian National Police (Kapolri) and since 22 October 2010 headed by Police General Timur Pradopo.
Kepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia are now seeking to recruit high caliber young Indonesian people for the following challenging positions as :
Penerimaan Taruna AKPOL TA 2013
General Requirements
Official Source
Kepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia are now seeking to recruit high caliber young Indonesian people for the following challenging positions as :
Penerimaan Taruna AKPOL TA 2013
General Requirements
- Indonesian Citizens (Male/Female)
- Min age 16 years old and max age 21 years old at the time of opening of educational
- Faith and fear of God Almighty
- To the faithful of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution
- Physical and spiritual health (medical certificate from a medical institution)
- Never been convicted of a crime (SKCK)
- Authoritative, honest, fair and of good character
- Willing to be placed throughout the territory of the Republic of Indonesia and willing to be assigned in all areas of police work
Official Source
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Search Result
Drum Corps Taruna Akpol / lemdik.polri.go.id ... RECRUITMENT FOR ... Indonesia Closing date: 11 May 2013 The AIPHSS program is a partnership between ...,Penerimaan Anggota POLRI TA. 2013 Home Login Registrasi,Pendaftaran Taruna Akademi Kepolisian - AKPOL TA 2013 ... Pengumuman Seleksi Penerimaan Pegawai PT PLN Sumatera Utara Tahun 2013 Lulusan SMK / SMA Dalam rangka ...,Lowongan Kerja 2013 Calon Taruna AMG Akademi Meterologi dan Geofisika - AMG didirikan di Bandung pada tahun 1955 dengan nama Akademi Meterologi dan Geofisika. Sejak ...,Pendaftaran Taruna Akademi Kepolisian - AKPOL TA 2013 ... Berkas Rekrutmen Pegawai Tingkat SMK/SMA Jalur Pelaksana Tahun 2013. ... Recruitment dan HR Management ...,Recruitment Polri - Taruna AKPOL 2013 - SMK/SMA. Recruitment Polri - Taruna AKPOL 2013 - SMK/SMA, Lowongan Kerja Mei 2013, Lowongan Mei 2013, ...,Lowongan Kerja SMK SMA SMU STM Terbaru. 136 likes · 6 talking about this.,Lowongan Kerja 2013 Calon Taruna AMG. ih dari 23 tahun pada tanggal 1 September 2013 3. ... Lowongan Kerja 2013 Pramugari Garuda Indonesia PT Garuda Indonesa ...,Polri - Recruitment SLTA, Taruna Akpol - Pusat Informasi Loker 2013, Lowongan Kerja Terbaru Juni 2013, Lowongan kerja BUMN, CPNS, Bank, Guru, Pertambangan, Pertamina ...,Recruitment Polri - Taruna AKPOL 2013 - SMK/SMA, Lowongan Kerja Mei 2013, Lowongan Mei 2013, Lowongan Kerja Mei, Lowongan Mei, Lowongan 2013, Lowongan Kerja 2013 ...
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