PT Toyota Astra Motor, as a Toyota Distributor in Indonesia reserves an authorization to directly sell Toyota products to any International organizations in the territory of Indonesia, such as the United Nations, the International Red Cross, International non-governmental organizations or officials thereof and governmental unit or agency of any country or officials thereof relating to Duty Free facility. Initiated in 1978, Toyota Duty Free has been recognizing as a largest and well-known Toyotas products seller with Duty Free facilities amongst foreign embassies and international organizations in Indonesia. PT Toyota Astra Motor a leading automotive company in Indonesia is currently looking for talented and motivated candidates to fill following positions:
- Operational and Administrative Processes
- Minimum of SMU education, Diploma
- Department: Finance, Accounting, Business Administration, Business Administration, Management, Secretarial, IT, Computer Science
- Full-Time Internship
- Willing placement Cibitung and Sunter 2
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PT Toyota Astra Motor View all jobs: Company ... Internship: Jakarta Raya: Secretary: Jakarta Utara: Logistic And Warehousing Officer: Jakarta Raya, Bekasi:,PT. Toyota-Astra Motor, as a. Saturday, 22 June 2013. Home; About; Daftar Isi; ... Internship. Requirements: Advertisements. Minimum of high school education, Diploma;,Selama lebih dari 30 tahun, PT. Toyota-Astra Motor telah memainkan peranan penting dalam pengembangan industri otomotif di Indonesia serta membuka lapangan pekerjaan ...,Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia Internship Program Maret 2012 ... PT. Toyota-Astra Motor telah memiliki pabrik produksi seperti stamping, casting, ...,PT Toyota Astra Motor, a leading automotive company in Indonesia, ... Internship - Cibitung, Sunter 2. Responsibilities. Operational and administration process;,Toyota Astra Financial Services; Pembiayaan Motor; ... PT Astra International Tbk meraih predikat sebagai Emiten Terbaik Sektor Aneka Industri dalam Investor Awards ...,PT.TOYOTA-ASTRA MOTOR, a leading automotive company in Indonesia, is currently looking for talented and motivated candidates to fill the following positions:,Toyota Astra Motor adalah penyedia berbagai macam mobil sesuai kebutuhan anda, mobil irit untuk keluarga, anak muda, dengan suku cadang terbaik,Lowongan Kerja SMK SMA PT Toyota Astra Motor - Internship, Lowongan Kerja Juni 2013, Lowongan Juni 2013, Lowongan Kerja Juni, Lowongan Juni, Lowongan 2013, Lowongan ...,Requirements: Minimal pendidikan SMU, Diploma; Jurusan : Finance, Akuntansi, Administrasi Bisnis, Administrasi Niaga, Management, Secretarial, IT, Teknik Informatika
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