Brantas Abipraya, has a high attention to the quality of human resources. In addition, the high award was also given by the company to each individual who is able to face the challenges and excel in their respective fields. Therefore, we invite you who have the ability to join with us.
Brantas Abipraya Persero career opportunities at this time, for those of you who enjoy the challenge of the job, to achieve a bright future, aggressive, honest, communicative, and resilient young are welcome to submit your application to join us.

Applicants who register will be asked Female, maximum age 24 years old Single, Good looking and personable, able to master in Microsoft Office and the Internet, and operate a computer, has the ability to communicate in a professional manner to all parties, Fluent in English, both oral and written, Ability to work independently and team, thorough and workmanlike, and applicants must be willing to not get married for 1 year.
If you are interested and are interested in this challenge, please send your complete application Brantas Karir Center (Click on Diploma Tab).
Your application must be received no later than May 28, 2013. If we receive your application exceeds the specified limits, then it will not be considered. Only qualified candidate match with the above mentioned qualifications will be notified for further selection.
Brantas Abipraya Persero career opportunities at this time, for those of you who enjoy the challenge of the job, to achieve a bright future, aggressive, honest, communicative, and resilient young are welcome to submit your application to join us.

Career offered to graduates, Diploma (D3). Secretary for the Department allowed.
Applicants who register will be asked Female, maximum age 24 years old Single, Good looking and personable, able to master in Microsoft Office and the Internet, and operate a computer, has the ability to communicate in a professional manner to all parties, Fluent in English, both oral and written, Ability to work independently and team, thorough and workmanlike, and applicants must be willing to not get married for 1 year.
If you are interested and are interested in this challenge, please send your complete application Brantas Karir Center (Click on Diploma Tab).
Your application must be received no later than May 28, 2013. If we receive your application exceeds the specified limits, then it will not be considered. Only qualified candidate match with the above mentioned qualifications will be notified for further selection.
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Search Result
May 29th, 2013. Sekilas PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero) ... Lowongan PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero); Sekretaris Direksi / Secretary of the Board of Directors Mei 2013,March 30th, 2013. Lowongan Brantas Abipraya- PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero) ... Lowongan Sekretaris Direksi PT Krakatau Engineering Februari 2011 January 23rd, 2011.,Lowongan Sekretaris Direksi PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero) May 24, 2013 by jobel - Filed under: ... Pengumuman Lowongan PT Brantas Abipraya Juni 2013 » Post Date : ...,Lowongan PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero) 2013 PT Brantas Abipraya ... Sekretaris Direksi Requirements. Female, ... email recruitment pt brantas abipraya, ...,PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero) ... ( makassar), sekretaris direksi lowongan september 2013, pt pertaminapsro@yahoo com samarinda, pt brantas abipraya, ...,Lowongan Sekretaris Direksi PT Brantas Abipraya ... May 24th, 2013. Loker Sekretaris Brantas Abipraya ... Lowongan Pekerjaan Sekretaris Direksi PT Asuransi Ekspor ...,Sekretaris Direksi Brantas Abipraya Recruitment May 2013. Brantas Abipraya, ... Sekretaris Direksi Brantas Abipraya Recruitment May 2013. Brantas Abipraya , ...,Friday, May 24, 2013 PT Brantas Abipraya ... Sekretaris Direksi Requirements : ... Form | Recruitment. at 1:23 PM.,Home » BUMN » Job Vacancy Sekretaris Direksi PT Brantas Abipraya January 2012 ... Lowongan Kerja Tenaga Pengalaman PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero) April 2013;,Brantas Abipraya, has a high attention to the quality of human resources. In addition, the high award was also given by the company to each individual who ...
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